Organisational Awards and Certification

The Deming Prize (1975)
Named for Dr. W. Edwards Deming, the father of total quality management, the Deming Prize is given to recognise Japanese and non-Japanese companies for demonstrating outstanding commitment to quality control, and whose products or inventions make exceptional advances in the pursuit of quality. Since the inception of Deming Prize in 1951 until 2009, 216 selected companies from all over the world have won the Deming Medal.
Ricoh was the first office equipment manufacturer to win the Deming Medal.

The Japan Quality Award (1999)
Japan Quality Award is presented to Japanese companies and other corporate entities for displaying excellent overall management qualities. Since the inception of the award in 1996 until 2008, 162 corporate entities have applied over a period of thirteen years, and 24 companies have received the award.
Ricoh was also the first office equipment manufacturer to win the Japan Quality Award.

World Environmental Center (WEC)
World Environmental Center (WEC) awarded the Ricoh Group the Gold Medal for its International Achievement in Sustainable Development. An independent jury of distinguished international environmentalists awards the prestigious WEC Gold Medal annually to a corporation that demonstrates preeminent leadership and contributes to worldwide environmental quality. (May 2003)

Project Eco Office Certification
Ricoh Asia Pacific Pte Ltd becomes the first private company to be awarded the Project Eco Office certification on 11th November 2004. The Eco Office Label is a certification that is based on the Eco-Office Rating System. Attaining this eco office label demonstrates Ricoh's commitment towards environmental protection and recognise Ricoh's efforts towards turning its office to an environmentally friendly working environment basing on specific environmental criteria.

Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Award (AREA) 2013
Eco Action Day, a nationwide campaign in Singapore, spearheaded by Ricoh Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and supported by various government agencies including National Climate Change Secretariat (NCCS) under the Prime Minister Office, National Environment Agency (NEA) and Singapore Environment Council (SEC), received its first environmental award.
Ricoh Asia Pacific, Singapore's sole representative, is one of the 20 companies from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam and Thailand to receive the prestigious Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards 2013 Southeast Asia for its corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative under the Green Leadership category.

Singapore Sustainability Award (2013 - 2014)
Ricoh Asia Pacific won the Singapore Sustainability Awards in Green Technology for two years in a row, presented by the Singapore Business Federation. The award recognized Ricoh for its strong and compelling green technology, particularly for its new visual communication systems – Ultra Short Throw/ Short Throw projectors used to create digital signage, Unified Communication System (UCS) for TV conferencing and Interactive Whiteboard utilized at meetings. The seamless collaboration of this new visual communication system is capable of facilitating a multi-location conference, which significantly reduces environmental impact and carbon footprint. This award also recognized Ricoh for its high level of commitment and performance in areas of corporate environment responsibility and innovation.

Singapore Environmental Achievement Awards 2014
Ricoh Asia Pacific receives one of the most prestigious awards in Singapore led by the Singapore Environment Council. Kimberly-Clark Singapore Environmental Achievement Award (Services) recognized Ricoh for incorporating sustainable services as components of strategies into its business operations. This includes reducing the negative environmental impact while providing improved social and environmental benefits to customers and raising the environmental awareness among its customers through advocacy campaign, Eco Action Day, as part of Ricoh’s sustainable environmental management.
The Singapore Environmental Achievement Awards (SEAA) is a premier award launched in 1997, that addresses overall environmental initiatives and awareness within an organisation.

Global CSR Awards (2014 - 2016)
Ricoh Asia Pacific has received double winning during the 8th Annual Global CSR Summit and Awards 2016, walking away with the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Leadership Platinum Award and Best Environmental Excellence Silver Award. These recognitions continue to strengthen Ricoh’s global position as a corporate citizen who takes full responsibilities to enhance its sustainable management and contribute to the development of a sustainable society.
Ricoh Asia Pacific is also one of the award winners in this Asia’s most prestigious recognition awards programme, to receive the Product Excellence Awards in 2015 and 2014 for its product solutions and services that integrate Unified Communication System (UCS), Interactive White Board (IWB), Ultra Short Throw Projector and RICOH Smart Presenter to facilitate global conferences to be organized in a low carbon footprint environment while demonstrating a high technology environment.

Sustainable Business Awards Singapore 2014-2015
Ricoh Asia Pacific Pte Ltd received the Sustainable Business Awards Singapore 2015. This award recognized Ricoh in the area of its Business Responsibility and Ethics as a sustainable global company. In this award category, Ricoh is assessed base on its efforts towards preventing any irresponsible and/or illegal practices in its supply chain, identifying and managing any potential sustainability risks, the process of how it enable fair dealing with its suppliers and the local communities, policies and systems in place in terms of anti-corruption and bribery, suppliers’ code of conduct and prevention of the exploitation of human rights, children, immigrants and other at-risk groups.
This is the second year Ricoh received the award. In 2014, Ricoh was recognized for its Waste Management and Material Productivity over the entire product lifecycle, including associated upstream and downstream processes, which reduce the environmental impact of its products and operations, maximize the values of resources across the lifecycle of our products and sustainability limit the consumption of new resources.

International Alternative Investment Review (IAIR) Award (2013 & 2015)
Ricoh Asia Pacific Pte Ltd has been recognized for its innovative products and solutions and sustainability efforts towards the environment during the IAIR Awards 2015. Ricoh is among the 50 over companies to walk away with the Best Company prestigious titles. Having been the Best Company for Sustainability, Office Solutions, in Asia Pacific, for the second time, Ricoh demonstrated constant commitment to put into practice its Corporate Shared Value based on the principles: good for Environment, Economy and People. It is also the first time Ricoh receives the Global title in the Best Company for Innovation & Leadership, Office Solutions. Quoted in the official motivation from the IAIR Awards 2015 Committee, Ricoh is recognized for its undisputed ability in creating brand new office products, making work easier, safer and more efficient.
International Alternative Investment Review (IAIR) AWARDS® is one of the world's leading ranking and prize for excellences in global economy and sustainability. It is made up of the scientific committee of IAIR® and along with a team of dedicated legal, economic and financial journalists in over 120 countries worldwide.

ASEAN Corporate Sustainability Awards 2015
Ricoh Asia Pacific Pte Ltd has taken the leading role in the office solution industry for its innovative products and solutions to receive the prestigious title of Product and Service Innovation during the 3rd Annual ASEAN Corporate Sustainability Summit & Awards 2015. This award recognizes the organization that demonstrates the most innovative ideas to reduce the environmental impacts in the lifecycle of its products and services. Ricoh product solutions and services, in its own unique points creates positive impact to the environment by reducing the paper and energy consumption which in turn lead to lower CO2 emission.

Singapore Creative CSR Awards 2016
Ricoh Asia Pacific Pte Ltd continues to excel in the area of sustainable environment through the annual nationwide campaign, Eco Action Day, in Singapore. Singapore Creative CSR Awards 2016 recognized Ricoh for its effort towards engaging and reaching out to wider public to encourage awareness and action for the environment in 2014 – 2015. The award also honours Ricoh for its creative, sustainable and effective CSR programmes in demonstrating the organisation’s ethical values, creative approach to differentiate their CSR initiatives, commitment to sustaining the programme, impact on the community, environment and social purpose, measuring and evaluating results.

President's Award Singapore (2016)
Ricoh Asia Pacific has been awarded by the Ministry of the Environment & Water Resources for Singapore’s highest accolade, The President’s Award for the Environment 2016. This award recognizes Ricoh for demonstrating an active role in supporting the Sustainable Singapore Blueprint’s theme: A Leading Green Economy, steadily and steadfastly and has made significant contributions towards the environment and water resources sustainability in Singapore. Ricoh Asia Pacific is honoured and proud to be the first Japanese Multinational Corporation in the Office Imaging Equipment & Solution industry to receive the award from Singapore President Tony Tan at The Istana, the official residence and the office of the President of Singapore.

Singapore Apex Corporate Sustainability Awards
Ricoh Asia Pacific have received the Singapore Apex Corporate Sustainability Awards from the Global Compact Network Singapore. This award recognizes Ricoh for demonstrating excellence sustainability practices in the Sustainable Business Category. This award represents the most prestigious form of recognition for companies in Singapore on Corporate Sustainability.